Partners and associations
Since the company was founded, Geomod has forged strong partnerships with renowned companies in order to provide its customers with the best solutions. Today, these partnerships are still relevant and stronger than ever.
A long-term partnership. Since 2007, Geomod by Coexya has been developing for Genavir, the cartographic core in charge of the software exploitation of the electronic navigation charts (ENC) produced by SHOM. This is integrated into the CINNA navigation aid system, which is now deployed throughout the French oceanographic fleet.

EXEM is the leader in measuring people's exposure to electromagnetic waves. Exem has developed an innovative solution for monitoring exposure to waves using intelligent sensors deployed in towns and cities: The Wave Observatory
Geomod and Exem are associated commercially and technically. The aim is to offer local and regional players a new and innovative range of services for measuring and simulating electromagnetic waves.

The CSTB (Scientific and Technical center for Building), via its Direction Santé-Confort, has been a partner of Geomod by Coexya for more than 10 years for the development of the software MithraSIG and MithraREM.
Geomod by Coexya is the Editor and exclusive distributor of these tools.
The CSTB, a public establishment with an industrial and commercial character, has the mission of guaranteeing the quality and safety of buildings. To this end, it brings together multidisciplinary skills to develop and share key scientific and technical knowledge. It supports players in the innovation cycle, from the idea to the market, and in the transformation of the building world in line with the environmental, energy and digital transitions. CSTB has 5 key activities: research and expertise, evaluation, certification, testing and the dissemination of knowledge. Its expertise covers construction products, buildings and their integration into neighbourhoods and cities.
As part of their partnership, the CSTB and Geomod by Coexya are working closely together to provide MithraSIG and MithraREM with the most advanced and accurate calculation kernels for acoustic and electromagnetic wave propagation in urban environments.

Geomod has been Cadcorp's French distributor since 1999. Since then, Geomod has acquired a total mastery of the technology offered by Cadcorp, allowing us to develop high added value scientific applications. Geomod has become a first class partner for Cadcorp.

OceanWise is Geomod's French distributor. Founded in 2010, OceanWise offers solutions capable of covering most aspects of marine data management: oceanography, marine data, data publishing, GIS etc, thanks to a combined experience in oceanography, hydrography, information technology, system integration and software development.

INNOVYZE by Autodesk
Geomod is the historical French distributor of software solutions developed by Innovyze. This partnership dates back to 1995 with the beginnings of Geomod.
Innovyze is historically a company resulting from the merger between Wallingford Software (UK) and MWH Soft (USA). It develops a range of business products dedicated to the water sector. AutoDesk, a publisher of engineering solutions, acquired Innovyze in April 2021 in order to be able to contribute all its know-how in terms of IT tool development. This exciting combination brings Innovyze solutions closer to BIM processes, greater interoperability and the certainty of significant development of Innovyze solutions for small and large water cycle management.

Svantek Italia
Svantek has been marketing sound level meters in Italy for over 30 years. It is the first distributor of MithraSIG, a key partner for Geomod as the product is now translated into Italian. Since 2016, Svantek has been pushing us to develop our products technically and commercially to better meet the needs of our future customers.
