Geomod declared Training Organisation
In order to enable our customers to quickly get to grips with the software distributed by Geomod, we offer standard and specific training courses for each product.
Approved as a 'Training Organisation', our training courses are recognised for improving employees' skills, and as such, private sector customers can have all or part of the training financed by their OPCO.
Our training courses are QUALIOPI-certified and offer a high level of quality and continuous improvement.
Here is an overview of the standard training courses available for each of our distributed products:

Discover our training calendar
Find out about all our upcoming training courses in french for 2025.
Click here to register for our courses
Information and contact Lucile Lallie -

Wave propagation
Water management
Marine geomatics
Competence of our trainers
Training is provided directly by our employees who are involved in product Page 4 / 4 development. In charge of customer support, they are confronted on a daily basis with use cases from our customers, and each response they receive enables them to increase their level of expertise.
Our trainers have real teaching skills.
As part of Qualiopi certification, they are regularly updated on our approach to quality.

The quality of our training courses
The quality of our training courses is our main objective. Proper use of our software is the key to the success of our customers' projects. To this end, our trainers systematically ask their auditors for feedback at the end of the training course to highlight any areas for improvement. A few days later, the same approach is taken to measure the assess their ability in using the software on their own.