Webinar : Meet CALHYPSO,the new tool for automated and reliable production of Electronic Navigational Charts(ENC)

"CALHYPSO" is a new tool dedicated to Hydrographic offices and numerical marine charts producers in general. It allows the user to produce automatically an ENC strating from a raw bathymetry dataset. This tool is the new assistant of cartographers, it will help them to considerably speed the generalization process of the bathymetry data, and avoid them a long and tedious task.
Why is CALHYPSO a revolution ?
- Production of a functional ENC S-57 in a few minutes
- An algorithm obtained from combined expertises of GEOMOD and the SHOM
- Automatized simplification of cartographic information in accordance with the desired scale
Watch the replay of our webinar on 23 May, and find out about the features and conditions of access to the tool. The event was presented by our marine geomatics experts and featured a testimonial from Yves Guérin, cartographer at Shom.