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GeoCommunity, the platform dedicated to hydraulic modelling

A collaborative platform for French modellers.

28 March 2023
Water management

Geomod by Coexya launches GeoCommunity, a collaborative platform for French modellers

GeoCommunity was created based on the observation that modellers are often alone with their screen and their model. If they are lucky, they can benefit from the experience of their colleagues. But how many people are we talking about? Three? Or four? Yet there are hundreds of modellers in France, some working on general subjects, others on more specific ones. Why not benefit from their experience? Does competition have to be an obstacle to mutual aid?

GeoCommunity is a platform that provides a common space for modellers to work and progress together. Modelling software is a complex tool, and few people can claim to have mastered it perfectly and to know all the features. But we can all aspire to this claim together by sharing our knowledge.

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