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An article as part of the plan to monitor public exposure to electromagnetic waves.

21 March 2023
Wave propagation

Geomod by Coexya had the opportunity to participate in the publication of an article as part of the plan to monitor public exposure to electromagnetic waves in collaboration with  the French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) and the CSTB

This project was presented on March 21 and 22 at the URSI - France scientific days on the theme "Energy at the heart of waves - Resources and environment: intelligent management". 
Numerical modelling of levels of exposure to electromagnetic waves emitted by cell phone relay antennas on a national scale. 
This modelling requires the implementation of a specific calculation method. The method presented in this article enables us to reproduce exposure levels at any location (inside and outside buildings), while keeping calculation times compatible with operational constraints. 
For more information, the article can be found here